Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I hate Duke

If there is one thing that I despise more than anything in this world, it is Duke basketball.

Maybe that's because I grew up as a North Carolina fan. Actually, it isn't Duke that I despise entirely, it's the Duke fans. If I had one more cocky Duke fan rub it into my face last night that they won the national championship, I may have hit rock bottom.

The thing is, I was highly disappointed in the national championship game. I mean more power to Butler, and it's a great story for them, and if they would have won, it would have been a better story. But come on, I wish Duke would have played a better team, and then we would have seen who won. I'm not dissing on Butler, but Duke only beat them by two points. I feel that if they were as good as their fans say they are, they should have killed Butler.

So to all of you Duke fans, congrats, but seriously, you beat a school hardly anyone has ever heard of by two points. I just needed to get this off my chest :)

A North Carolina Fan by heart

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