Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good Music vs. Bad Music

I have never really put a whole lot of thought into this, but lately I have. It's the difference between good music and bad music. I know we will all have our different opinions on this, but actually there are elements in music that makes it good or bad.

Have you ever heard a song that you absolutely love at first, then you get sick of it because it is over played. Well, I believe this is because is is not a good quality piece of music. A good song will be good no matter how many times you hear it. It interests you and appeals to you on a variety of different levels, whether it's intellectually, emotionally or spiritually.

Bad music uses the same phrase od four notes over and over and it's rhythm over powers the melody. I hate it when drums are used to hammer away at the rhythm. They should be used to emphasize the music, not over power it. Most music actually uses the same four notes in a song but it's the way those four notes are put together. You can put four notes together in a variety of different ways.

Good music is kind of like a good piece of literature. It starts with an idea at the beginning, has a variety of events in the middle, and then refers back to that beginning idea to end it. This, to me, is proper structure and it leaves me feeling like the musical piece is actually finished rather than that the performer just died because their is no structure to it.

We are all going to have our own opinion on what good music is, but maybe after reading this you will listen a little more carefully an be able to pick out what I'm talking about on whether a musical piece is put together properly and leaves listeners interested and wanting more.

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