Monday, April 12, 2010


So today as I'm browsing through my facebook home page, I see the most interesting thing. Two people, I'm guessing they were significant others, but they were fighting over their facebook status's. I don't know why, but I thought this was the funniest thing ever.

It kind of scares me to think what our world is coming to. We can't even confront each other face to face anymore? I mean, maybe it is an easy way out, but using facebook to fight is kind of...let me think of the word....immature? It is nobody elses business what you and you significant other are fighting about, and when you post it all over facebook, of course people are going to be interested and nosy as to what is going on.

I guess I was. Seeing that made me go look at both of these peoples walls and read their status's of fighting back and forth with each other. Something that I shouldn't even be sticking my nose in. Well, I guess for the rest of us it's kind of entertaining.

So I guess my moral of the story is, thanks for the cheap entertainment :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha oh facebook how you make our lives so interesting. I talked about deleting mine the other day...couldn't make myself do it though. How else would we find anything out about anyone these days? We've forgotten how to speak!
