Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why isn't this girl famous?!

I follow this girl on YouTube and I happened to come across this video of her and a friend doing an acoustic cover of "Just Dance," by Lady Gaga. I happen to believe that it is just amazing!

It takes a lot of talent to take a song like this and turn it into an acoustic version. I wish people like this would get recognized in the Music industry. I seems like to get anywhere in the music industry anymore, you either have to have money or a famous name.

Take Ashlee Simpson for instance. If it hadn't been for her sister, she would have never been famous for the fact the she was caught lip-syncing on SNL and was booed off the stage. It just amazes me how having a famous name or lots of money can get you in the music industry so much easier.

If I were a record producer or record company, I would be sitting at my computer all day listening to all the young talent out there on YouTube. I bet they would be amazed at what they would find. I'm sure some record companies have been doing this, but I believe it needs to happen more! Check out this video :) It's great....

1 comment:

  1. Definitely agree. Ha at least we have American Idol to give people a shot at fame. I'm a music freak myself and it's amazing all the talent you can find on youtube. I could spend hours finding covers on songs, its amazing how much talent is out there.
