Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Hospital in Kearney raises issues

So im going to go off topic of my music theme and blog about a local issue here in Kearney...the talk about building another hospital because some physicians are fed up with Good Samaritan Hospital management

There are pros and cons to this situation, but the main concern is that with Good Samaritan. Good Samaritan is the only level two trauma center for 450 miles. The team includes neurosurgeons, open heart surgeons and more. The concern with this is that bringing a new hospital in could jeopardize this team of great surgeons. Patients are coming in at all hours in the trauma center at Good Samaritan and if this well qualified team of surgeons is preoccupied with other duties at another hospital the care for patients that need immediate attention might not be up to standard.

Another concern is that since this new hospital would be physician owned, their main concern would be making profit and therefore they would just cherry-pick the least complicated, most profitable procedures and serve only the patients most able to pay.

The doctors who want to build this new hospital say that's not the case. They said a new hospital could actually help with cases that Good Samaritan doesn't have any room for.

A new hospital could actually be a good thing for patients because it could drive more competitive pricing and lower costs. It could also create jobs and help out the economy. Even though Nebraska hasn't been hit incredibly hard by the recession, any kind of job opening would be helpful.

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