Monday, February 22, 2010

Jessica Simpsons Dad Freaks out

So you think Jessica Simpson would be old enough to take care of herself now?

Well...her father Joe Simpson has taken matters into his own hands as he called up he former boyfriend John Mayer to rip his butt for a comment he made about Jessica in an interview for Playboy magazine.

Mayer referred to Simpson as a "sexual napalm" in the interview. What in the world does that mean? I sure didn't know so I took it into my own liberty to look the word "napalm" up.

Napalm-is a thickening/gelling agent generally mixed with gasoline or a similar fuel for use in military operations. The term napalm is a combination of the names of its derivatives (coprecipitated aluminium salts of naphthenic and palmitic acids).[1] Colloquially, napalm is used as a generic reference to several flammable liquids used in warfare, often jellied gasoline.[2] "Napalm B" is the modern variant of napalm and, although chemically different, is often referred to simply as napalm.

Well, I guess he is referring to her as a sexual fireball? Haha, I don't know.

Basically John is screwed with ever dating Jessica again because her father didn't like him in the first place and he sure as heck don't like him anymore after making a reference about his daughter in bed.

The way I see it is that we all know Jessica is a big girl now and she can do what she wants so maybe her dad should stay out of her business. If I was her age and my dad pulled some crap like that I'd be furious and embarassed. I mean, being called a "sexual napalm" can't be that big of an insult?

If you want to read more, check it out!

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